EDEC 4561 Field Experience Day 4

This week, during my field experience for EDEC 4561, there were many interesting things that took place. To begin with, the children started within the gym as they normally do. After the children came from the gym, they went into the classroom to begin the day with breakfast. The children each had half a biscuit and eggs with meat in it from breakfast. Many of the children did not eat it so they continued to circle time. This day was also the day that I had to do my lesson plan for the preschool classroom. I set up my materials before the children began breakfast but this did cause a problem later on because the children then began to play with the materials before the lesson began.

With the children starting the lesson early and observing themselves in the body mirror and individual mirror that were placed within the classroom, the children were no longer interested by time the actual lesson was to begin. I started the children with circle time and began as normal but in the process I tended to forget transitions and different things within my lesson to make it come together and connect with one another. After the lesson began, it seemed that the children did not fully understand what was supposed to be done because I did not make the proper connections between the events and the information I provided them.

Overall, for my first time teaching or being in front of children in such a way, I felt nervous and should have practiced and made me lesson more clear before beginning. This experience overall provided me insight on how I should teach the children in the future and what I should do when certain events unfold.

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